One of the most controversial bills during the 2019 Legislative Session was House Bill 1537— also known as the “Red Flag Law”. Unfortunately, 8 of its 10 sponsors were Republicans.
As explained by the Gun Owners of America:
“… the red flag concept, would remove firearms from those who have not committed any crime but are thought to be a ‘dangerous behavior risk’ for the future.”
As you might imagine, there’s a number of very serious problems with the idea. Fortunately, overwhelming pushback to the legislation resulted in its demise. It died in the House by a 17 – 76 vote— a poetic justice of sorts.
Aside from the eight Republicans who signed on as sponsors to the bill, North Dakota’s Superintendent of Public Instruction — Kirsten Baesler — supported it as well. In fact, she was one its advocates who attended a news conference to discuss the legislation.
According to the Bismarck Tribune, Baesler said the Red Flag Law was — in her opinion — “one of the most significant” ways to address school safety. Constitutional rights be damned, I guess.
As voters who cherish the “Right to Keep and Bear Arms” fill out their ballots for the mail-only primary election, they need to consider Baesler’s blatant disregard for the gun rights of North Dakotans. I’m hopeful they’re bothered a lot more by it than Governor Burgum seems to be (see below).
Kirsten Baesler might be a lot of things, but a “trusted leader” certainly isn’t one of them.
Note: For more on Baesler’s Rocky Past, Alcohol Use, & Poor Record as DPI Superintendent, click here.

- https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/66-2019/documents/19-0337-04000.pdf
- https://theminutemanblog.com/2019/01/15/nd-republican-traitors-stand-with-democrats-on-red-flag-gun-law/
- https://theminutemanblog.com/2019/02/19/breaking-red-flag-bill-dies-in-ironic-17-76-vote/
- https://www.facebook.com/KFYRtv/videos/523047428189831/UzpfSTYyODE1Mjk4OToxMDE1NzA2MjE4Nzc2Mjk5MA/?comment_id=10157062336612990¬if_id=1547603820264155¬if_t=feed_comment
- https://bismarcktribune.com/news/state-and-regional/north-dakota-lawmakers-pitch-gun-seizure-bill-as-life-saving/article_6dec0e28-9d15-5a42-9cb0-36635d293c91.html
- https://theminutemanblog.com/2020/02/29/baeslers-rocky-past-alcohol-use-poor-record-as-dpi-superintendent/