U.S. House Candidate Julie Fedorchak is Not a Victim

Julie Fedorchak (Picture via Screenshot)

North Dakota’s U.S. House race took an interesting turn this week when former State Representative Rick Becker (R – District 7) blew up the internet with a creative troll of his opponent, Julie Fedorchak. More on that in a minute.

You might recall that Fedorchak waltzed into the North Dakota Republican Party State Convention in April expecting to come away with the endorsement. She came away disappointed when newcomer Alex Balazs claimed that title.

Fedorchak’s convention disappointment was just the beginning of her surprisingly difficult journey in seeking the Republican nomination in the upcoming June primary. After a very poor debate performance four days later — in which she attacked Rick Becker and even falsely accused him of being “sexist” — she decided to take the route of not being so front and center in terms of campaign strategy. Included in that was her failure to show up for a subsequent debate and being called out for her absence by another one of her opponents— Cara Mund.

A few days ago, one political activist — some might say gadfly — posted on social media that he went to attend a Julie Fedorchak event in Lincoln only to find her scrambling because she allegedly hadn’t scheduled the venue as she should have. Her campaign’s Facebook page seems to back this up. It shows the initial location posted on May 15th and the change of venue posted on the 20th— the same day it was supposed to take place.

Fedorchak’s Bidenesque moments on the campaign trail aren’t the worst we’ve seen from her or her supporters en route to DC. That label would most certainly have to go to her political surrogate Pat Finken and his PAC known as the so-called Brighter Future Alliance. Finken’s been doing Fedorchak’s dirty work by spreading outright lies and distortions about Rick Becker via radio and mailers for weeks now. So pathetic are Finken’s PAC of lies that State Representative Bob Paulson (R – District 3) recently wrote a letter condemning them and called upon voters to put the “mailers in the round file where they belong.” All of this while Julie Fedorchak sat quietly by.

My apologies for all the background information, but it’s important to bring context to what I mentioned in the introductory paragraph to this article— Rick Becker’s troll on X (formerly Twitter) of Julie Fedorchak. In actuality, Becker got a two-for-one because he used trans activist Dylan Mulvaney to do it. In case you’re not familiar with him, Mulvaney is a 27-year-old man who became an American media personality during the pandemic, when he began documenting his “transition” on Tik Tok in a series known as “Days of Girlhood”. You would know him better as the trans person featured in a video promoting Bud Light that led to conservative outrage and a subsequent $1.4 billion boycott of the beer company.

You really should watch it for yourself, but what Becker’s campaign did was hire Mulvaney to do a personalized video message to Julie Fedorchak. This was done through Cameo— a website that allows individuals to request personalized videos from celebrities to others. You literally get to tell them what to say. And for $350 they’ll do it.

If you actually watch the video, a number of things will quickly become evident to you. First, Mulvaney doesn’t know who Julie Fedorchak even is. Second, he has no clue that when he’s talking about Fedorchak’s 10 years of working in North Dakota to “save the planet” by “promoting green energy and reducing harmful coal plants” that it’s referring to her work as a Public Service Commissioner. Third, Mulvaney has no idea that the “DC Zoo” he’s referring to is the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. And fourth, his reference that Fedorchak will “work with RINO’s” is not the kind of “rhino’s” he’s thinking of. In other words, Mulvaney got trolled by Becker too.

In a very short period of time, Becker’s troll was picked up nationally. In a video, conservative political commentator and YouTuber Benny Johnson called the move the “funniest political troll” he’d ever seen in his entire life. He also referred to it as “genius”.

Unfortunately, not everyone share’s Johnson’s enthusiasm for Becker’s creativity. A number of people — including human rights groups — have come out in condemnation of the post. Even Attorney General Drew Wrigley’s wife weighed in saying that in her 26 years of politics she’s never “witnessed such disgusting, dirty, and deceitful campaigning.” I find it fascinating how she seems to give Pat Finken and Brighter Future Alliance a pass for their work done on behalf of her friend, Julie. But hey, double standards aren’t new to politics.

All of this leads to the fundamental point that I want to make in relation to this issue. And that is this— Julie Fedorchak is not a victim. And those trying to make her one should stop it.

This is a woman who publicly condemned Rick Becker — and his supporters — at the State Convention simply because she didn’t win the endorsement. She falsely accused him of breaking party rules. She attacked him in a debate– more than once. She falsely accused him in that same debate of being sexist. And she proceeded to sit back and say or do nothing when her political surrogates attacked Becker by spreading lies and distortions about him and his record.

No, Julie Fedorchak fired the first shots. She’s sat and watched silently as her surrogates have fired theirs. She chose this war, not Rick Becker. Fedorchak and her disgusting allies are just upset because he’s choosing to do something they don’t like— he’s actually fighting back.

At the end of the day, voters have a very serious choice to make here. Believe it or not, this race isn’t about silly social media trolls. Heck, this race isn’t even about who’s endorsed by what coal company. After all, even they don’t mind a bailout. This race is about who is best suited to fight for actual conservatism in Washington, DC. And that’s certainly not someone who is content playing victim after they started the war.



  1. (3) Dr. Rick Becker on X: “Getting this video made was pretty dang fun. Dylan Mulvaney, though I doubt he knows who Julie Fedorchak is, did an excellent job highlighting her work against coal plants in North Dakota and her desire to work with RINO’s in DC. Well worth the Cameo fee for the laugh and to https://t.co/PfoySlfQlG” / X
  2. Rick Becker Wins the NDGOP Convention – The Minuteman Blog
  3. U.S. House Candidate Julie Fedorchak Had a Tough Week – The Minuteman Blog
  4. Fedorchak, a PAC of Lies, and Skipping Debates – The Minuteman Blog
  5. (17) Facebook
  6. (18) Facebook
  7. (17) Facebook
  8. (18) District 8 Meet & Greet with special guest Julie Fedorchak | Facebook
  9. GUEST POST: Senator Bob Paulson Defends Rick Becker – The Minuteman Blog
  10. 2023 Bud Light boycott – Wikipedia
  11. Cameo – Personalized videos feat. your favorite stars
  12. (323) Dylan Mulvaney is Making Ads For The REPUBLICAN PARTY Now!? Absolutely Trolled, This is Hysterical🤣 – YouTube
  13. Rick Becker faces backlash after Dylan Mulvaney cameo (kxnet.com)
  14. (20+) Facebook
  15. (20+) Video | Facebook
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About T. Arthur Mason 883 Articles
T. Arthur Mason is a native North Dakotan who has spent nearly all of his life in the Peace Garden State. As the third of four children in Western North Dakota, Mason grew to appreciate family and the outdoors. Some of his fondest memories are annual deer hunts with family and friends. In his early teenage years, faith became a central part of T. Arthur Mason's life. He and the majority of his family attend church together on a weekly basis and find this a fulfilling aspect of their lives. Through the influence of his father, T. Arthur Mason became intrigued with politics. As a boy, he attended political events with his father and enjoyed the friendships that resulted as a byproduct of those political associations. As Mason grew older, he became convinced that the quote often attributed to Thomas Jefferson was true, "That government is best which governs least." Today, T. Arthur Mason enjoys time with his wife and children, an occasional hunt, and an increasingly active life on the political scene. This blog is the fulfillment of a dream to design a web site in the realm of politics and to advocate for the principles of Liberty and constitutionally limited government. On behalf of all those that contribute to The Minuteman, we hope you enjoy your time on the site and will share the message with others.