A few weeks ago a source within the NDGOP told us that Border States Electric CEO Tammy Miller was set to enter the U.S. Senate race for the Republican nomination to run against Democratic incumbent Heidi Heitkamp. This was after Miller had been in Washington, DC amidst speculation of her candidacy. At that same time, we also reported that Western North Dakota geologist Kathleen Neset had decided against a run– a fact that the Tioga Tribune and Rob Port at the Say Anything Blog have since reported as well.
But this morning the same source I spoke with a few weeks ago contacted me again to let me know that Miller had reversed course and decided against the run. What the back story behind that decision is we don’t know. Is it possible that Miller sees the writing on the wall for Congressman Kevin Cramer to jump in on a U.S. Senate campaign?
Miller’s decision definitely makes for a less interesting race and benefits State Senator Tom Campbell, who is currently the only Republican in th e race for U.S. Senate. As I wrote just a few days ago, Campbell runs the risk of being the odd man out if Cramer enters the U.S. Senate race and Campbell has to jump over to run for Cramer’s seat in the U.S. House where other candidates may surface.
What originally looked to be a crowded field now appears to be Cramer’s for the taking. Miller’s decision not to run after all pretty much clears the path for the sitting U.S. Congressman to blow through a convention and primary enroute to a general election showdown with Senator Heidi Heitkamp.
The only other alternative at this point is that Cramer stays put and Campbell runs unopposed. A situation that many with in the NDGOP believe will leave us with another term of Heidi Heitkamp– a horrific prospect that should leave the NDGOP elites scrambling.
Cramer is best equipped to beat Heitkamp. That race would likely become the most expensive race in North Dakota history. And Campbell can most definitely beat Democratic candidate Ben Hanson.
If the NDGOP wants three people in Washington with R’s next to their names, then Cramer better follow the urging of the President and tell Campbell to move over.
1. https://theminutemanblog.com/single-post/2017/11/06/Source-Says-Border-States-Electric-CEO-Tammy-Miller-Set-for-Senate-Race 2. https://www.sayanythingblog.com/entry/sbhe-member-kathy-neset-not-challenging-heitkamp-senate-race/ 3. https://theminutemanblog.com/single-post/2017/11/28/Tom-Campbell-Odd-Man-Out-in-US-Senate-House-Races 4. https://theminutemanblog.com/single-post/2017/11/03/Move-Over-Tom-Campbell-Trump-Wants-Cramer-to-Run-for-Senate