So, you think you’re free. Think again. You can’t even buy and sell a glass of raw milk in North Dakota (at least not without a herd-share) without being considered a criminal. And while the House Agriculture Committee could have taken the beginning steps of the legislative process to change that today, they did the opposite.
Due to opposition within the committee, supporters had no choice but to sacrifice the raw milk portion of the bill in order to have the chance at advancing the rest. After amendments were made, the committee voted 11-3 for a DO PASS recommendation.
I suppose we should be grateful to the Nanny State committee members that forced the removal of raw milk from the bill. After all, the health of thousands of North Dakotans was on the line. Where would we be without them? Well, I will tell you where we would be… more free.
The idea that government must protect us from ourselves. The idea that we cannot make our own decisions regarding something as simple as whether we want to purchase and consume raw milk or not is absolutely insulting. Especially when considering that I’m welcome to drink myself into an early grave with various forms of alcoholic beverages or to smoke until my lungs look like a recently tarred road. No, those are okay, but heaven forbid should society be free to produce, sell, and consume a nutritious and healthy glass of raw milk.
Whatever perceived advancements that were made with the remainder of the bill are horribly overshadowed by the blatant disregard shown for individual Liberty and personal responsibility.
Enough is enough. I may just become a raw milk criminal myself.