Tomorrow is election day. We’ve spent a fair amount of time exposing problems associated with Bismarck’s Mayor Mike Seminary. The most recent coverage was in relation to his meltdown last week in which he admitted to Corrupt Practices violations. But in addition to Seminary seeking re-election, City Commissioner Nancy Guy is also seeking another term.
Guy was first elected to the Bismarck City Commission back in 2014. Her election came just two years after a failed run at the state senate, in which she was blown out by Republican Ron Carlisle. If you’re a long-time native North Dakotan, then Guy’s last name may be familiar to you. She is the daughter of former Democratic Governor William “Bill” Guy— who is still the state’s longest serving governor from 1961-1973.
Nancy Guy is most definitely a committed Democrat and unabashed supporter of U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp. You can see this in the brief video compilation below:
As you can see for yourself, Guy is committed to “rebuilding and strengthening” the struggling Democratic-NPL in North Dakota. And as illustrated by her own comments, at her party’s state convention, part of that is the “slow, but deliberate process” of increasing “office holders” at the local level.
So, is it any surprise that Guy took issue with a recent mailer opposing her candidacy? It quite simply pointed out some unfortunate events that have happened on her watch. Perhaps the most egregious examples were cited on one side of the mailer in relation to the failed “Five South Project”. It’s comprised of quotes from the Bismarck Tribune in relation to the issue and the consequences for businesses that “closed for a project that never happened.”
In taking issue with the mailer, Guy posted the following in a sponsored ad on Facebook:
“I’m sorry Bismarck.
“Everything you hate about politics was delivered to your mailboxes Friday. Negative, over-the-top, misleading mail fliers, all of which were funded by ‘Concerned Citizens of North Dakota,’ who are only concerned about buying the Mayor’s office and two City Commission seats. As a public service, here are the men and how much they’re spending to buy your city government and become ‘Bismarck’s Godfathers’…
The city commission’s leading progressive then goes on to list those who donated to the group— or those she’s oddly labeled “Bismarck’s Godfathers”. Then she continues:
“These wanna-be Godfathers oppose everything that makes Bismarck great: Our quality of life, our safe streets, our excellent public library, our thriving downtown, how we treat our seniors and disabled residents. It makes you wonder what their preferred candidates for mayor and City Commission promised them in exchange for their support. My agenda is about continuing to build a better Bismarck for all residents. And we are. National studies rank Bismarck 2nd in America for quality of city services and the 8th best managed city.
“All of this progress is now at stake.
“The choice on Tuesday is clearer than ever: We can keep city government working for us or we can let a group of wanna-be Godfathers buy the City Commission. On Tuesday, vote like the future of Bismarck is on the line… Because it is.”
You’ll notice that at no point does Guy explain her claims that the mailers are “over-the-top” and “misleading”. Instead, she targets the donors who oppose her re-election and “their preferred candidates for mayor and city commission”. And she does it by making the following unfounded claims and insinuations – if not outright accusations – of impropriety:
- “[Concerned Citizens of North Dakota] are only concerned about buying the Mayor’s office and two City Commission seats.”
- “… here are the men and how much they’re spending to buy your city government and become ‘Bismarck’s Godfathers’.”
- “These wanna-be Godfathers oppose everything that makes Bismarck great: Our quality of life, our safe streets, our excellent public library, our thriving downtown, how we treat our seniors and disabled residents.”
- “It makes you wonder what their preferred candidates for mayor and City Commission promised them in exchange for their support.”
Without anything to back up her claims, Guy’s comments are nothing short of asinine. If she disagrees with the claims of the mailers, or can prove them to be untrue, fine— but she should at least make the case. But she doesn’t do that.
By labeling those who oppose her as “Bismarck’s Godfathers”, Guy exposes herself for a high level of intellectual and political dishonesty. After all, who is it that supports cronyism in business? Who believes in policies where the city picks winners and losers? Who believes in protectionism? Yeah, that’s right, Nancy Guy. In fact, her own Campaign Disclosure Statement lists Five South investors and the Realtors PAC of North Dakota. Does that make her a Godmother?
Furthermore, what evidence is there to demonstrate that the Concerned Citizens of North Dakota actually “oppose everything that makes Bismarck great”? Do they honestly oppose safe streets? Do they somehow despise libraries, a “thriving downtown”, seniors and disabled residents? If so, provide the evidence to prove it. But I’m guessing she has none.
Guy is right about one thing… the mailers are negative. But why? It’s simple. They’re a reflection of her positions and record as a city commissioner. And the record isn’t positive. I’m quite certain that’s why Concerned Citizens of North Dakota created the mailer in the first place.
Nancy Guy needs to realize that playing the political victim card – while throwing unfounded accusations at your opponents – doesn’t make you a victim. And doing it without any effort to defend your record is weak. But can we expect anything different from a committed progressive Democrat who has a record that is quite frankly indefensible.
If you’d like to view the recent Bismarck City Commission Debate, you can click here. Vote wisely, Bismarck.
- https://theminutemanblog.com/tag/mike-seminary/
- https://theminutemanblog.com/2018/06/07/mayoral-meltdown-seminary-admits-corrupt-practices/
- http://www.legis.nd.gov/cencode/t16-1c10.pdf
- https://www.nancyguy.com/
- https://ballotpedia.org/Nancy_Guy
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_L._Guy
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaOlIZjlNyY
- https://archive.org/embed/LeagueOfWomenVoters2018-04-30-BismarckCityCommissionCandidateDebate