Nine days ago we wrote that the President of First Court, Inc. and recent District 34 Republican Party Chairman Will Gardner was gearing up for a convention challenge versus Republican incumbent and current Secretary of State Al Jaeger.
Well, today that campaign is officially kicking off. This morning you can now find Gardner’s official campaign site and Facebook page . Both are up and running.
Gardner appears to have three pillars that he’s chosen to run his campaign platform on, and they’re very good– especially when stacked against some of the criticisms made against Al Jaeger.
I’ll leave his website for you to look at. On it you’ll find more about Will Gardner’s background and his vision for the Secretary of State’s Office. It’s even complete with a campaign video announcing his candidacy.
It’s obviously early to gauge how this race will stack up heading into the 2018 State Republican Convention. But by all accounts it appears Jaeger may be in trouble. Gardner has the education, resume, technology background, and political connections necessary to win. It will be fascinating to watch as his campaign develops. For many of us, injecting some new blood into the State Capitol is a welcome relief.
1. https://theminutemanblog.com/single-post/2017/12/04/Primary-Challenger-Set-to-Announce-Bid-Versus-Secretary-of-State-Al-Jaeger
2. https://www.gardnerfornd.com/
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=LfhEs3hFmoI