Hurricane Harvey is wreaking havoc on Houston, Texas and surrounding areas. While people are forced out of their homes and into shelters – wondering where to go from here – we have the liberal lunatic left acting like the buffoons that they are. The President and First Lady show up to assess the tragedy and the leftist goons go nuts… about things like Melania Trump’s shoes– seriously.
Apparently many on the left haven’t received the memo that their idiocy is showing. An article on the Huffpost today is another prime example. The author? Jennifer Siebel Newsom– the wife of the Lt. Governor of California, Gavin Newsom. Mrs. Newson’s bio describes her in part as “a filmmaker, CEO, advocate, and thought leader”. Based off of her article ripping the President and First Lady today, the latter in that description is a real head shaker.
Among the insults to begin her article, we find this:
“I don’t care when her hat says FLOTUS, I care that she is FLOTUS ― that she uses one of the more powerful positions in the world to do anything productive, save promote her personal brand and line her personal pocketbook.”
The emphasis on “anything” was not added on my part. It is found that way in Mrs. Newsom’s article. The indication being, of course, that Melania Trump hasn’t wielded the apparent power of the Office of First Lady to accomplish anything the progressive left considers valuable.
Then we get this doozy from the woman that stands just a heartbeat away from being the First Lady of California:
“[Melania’s] husband is a morally repugnant and dangerous leader, and she stands by him, silently waving, smiling, and normalizing his despicable behavior. My spirit was crushed when I realized that my four young children would grow up with him as our president instead of one of the smartest, most accomplished, and experienced women in politics. And Melania as First Lady is setting a terrible example for my daughters. She is passive when we want her to be substantive, an object when we want her to be an agent, and prejudiced when we want her to be inclusive. And so I too want to poke holes in her carefully manipulated image. But I refuse to do that by commenting on her footwear.” (Emphasis Added)
It’s obvious that Mrs. Newsom is not a fan of the man elected to be President of the United States… at all. But does her hatred or ignorance run so deep that she doesn’t realize the First Lady of the United States is not an elected office? Not only does she refer to it as “one of the more powerful positions in the world”, but she rattles off a list of things more fitting for an elected official than First Lady. After all, Melania became such by virtue of who her husband is, not because she aspired to the position.
Perhaps the most ludicrous comments made by Newsom are in reference to none other than Hillary Clinton– who she describes as “one of the smartest, most accomplished, and experienced women in politics”. Seriously? She mentions this as she bemoans the fact that her four children have to live under a Trump presidency instead of a Clinton one. It makes me wonder if she’s ever heard of things like Benghazi and the e-mail scandal– just to name two?
And while she’s ripping on Melania Trump – while simultaneously singing the praises of Hillary – I wonder if she realizes a Hillary presidency would have resulted in Bill being the First Man? Yes, to her The Donald and Melania are atrocious, but Hillary and her womanizing former President are apparently the salt of the Earth.
I’ll be the first to admit that Donald Trump is not perfect. And the First Lady has a past of her own. But to pretend that Melania should wield more power than she has is ridiculous. And to pretend that a Clinton presidency would somehow be far superior to a Trump one is… well… plain stupid.
But should we expect any different from someone who writes the things that she does in response to the President and First Lady visiting an area devastated by a historic storm?
1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-problem-with-melania-isnt-her-shoes_us_59a7599be4b00ed1aec9a593