For Immediate Release
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
Certain allegations have been made against me recently, many of which occurred years ago and at that time were dropped as meritless.
I have already apologized for my response to the Democratic lawmakers when they pointed out that I should be wearing a mask. That response, which included improper language, was inappropriate.
Now the director of the Legislative Council has decided to pile on and has made public certain allegations about my interaction with members of the Legislative Council staff. To the extent anything I said might have been misconstrued by the person hearing it, I have already apologized – not for what was said but the fact that what was said was misconstrued. I certainly did not intend my words to be interpreted in the way they were.
That being said, it is clear to me that the information presented by the Legislative Council director is inaccurate and mischaracterizes my previous statements and actions. Although I am known to be a friendly and outgoing person, I want my fellow legislators, my constituents, and the public to know that absolutely none of my comments or actions at the Legislative Council offices (and the one at a Legislative committee room) were made with any improper intent, and have been totally misconstrued and taken out of context.
I intend as soon as possible to provide a detailed response to each and every allegation made by the Legislative Council staff and director. As to the more recent allegations that are coming out, I deny those allegations and will respond to those allegations soon. I want the truth to come out,
the entire truth, and not baseless allegations founded on the mischaracterization of my statements or the incorrect perception of those who are making these allegations.
As legislators we are all, each and every one of us, obliged to treat each other, our staff, anyone appearing before us, and the public at large with dignity and respect.
Although I understand that misunderstandings often result from different perceptions to what may be said by me in my meetings at the Legislative Council, I am shocked and disheartened that my words were interpreted incorrectly.
As to any calls for my resignation, let me be clear: I have no desire to resign and would only do so if I were to decide that is what is best for my family.
If the Legislature decides to inquire into any of my conduct or any of the allegations made by the director of the Legislative Council, then I look forward to a full and complete public hearing in which witnesses are heard, the true facts are determined, and where I am provided all of my due
process rights and afforded the opportunity to require the attendance of witnesses, if necessary by subpoena.
I also look forward to delving into whether any other legislators have made statements or comments to other legislators that included profanity – which I don’t condone and for which I’ve already apologized – as well as any other allegations made by anyone on Capitol grounds made against other legislators that were perceived incorrectly.
I am presently working with my legal counsel in pulling together all the information and facts necessary to respond in full to each and every one of these baseless allegations made against me by the Legislative Council.
If the Legislature decides to proceed in any manner regarding any of these issues, then we will respond through that process. Otherwise, it is my intention to respond personally and in writing as to each and every allegation, and then answer any questions that may remain at a press
conference. I intend to do this as soon as humanly possible so we can get on with the Legislative business.
The truth will come out, and when it has, I am certain that the Legislature and my constituents will conclude that I am worthy of the trust placed by the people of my district as legislator in the body which I am honored to serve.
Rep. Luke Simons has scheduled a press conference for
Friday, March 5, 2021, at 3 pm
(or such later time as the legislative session for that day concludes)
at the Legislative Press Conference Room.