Here we go again. Supporters of the nanny state are taking another shot at changing North Dakota’s seat belt law from secondary enforcement to primary enforcement. The North Dakota Senate will debate and vote on Senate Bill 2121 today.
In a nutshell, this means that ALL occupants — regardless of age — would be required to have their seat belts on. And if a law enforcement officer sees you without one on, they could pull you over for that reason alone and fine you.
This same effort was defeated during the 2019 Legislative Session. Back then, it passed the Senate by one vote— after being reconsidered. But it was later defeated in the House 38-54.
Perhaps the most insulting moment of the 2019 debate came when Senator Brad Bekkedahl (R – District 1) likened some North Dakotans to children:
“I think back to my childhood and the things my parents would tell me not to do in my life. And I didn’t like being told not to do those things in my life. But I realize now that they did that for me, because they loved and cared for me. Sometimes I think we should take that stance as well.”
So, it should come as no surprise to you that the current bill is sponsored by none other than Senator Bekkedahl himself.
If you oppose primary enforcement of seat belts in North Dakota — and don’t want to be treated like a child — you’d better contact your state senator now. If this bill passes the Senate today, then you’d better contact your representatives in the House immediately and ask them to defeat it.
- https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/documents/21-0432-02000.pdf
- https://theminutemanblog.com/tag/seat-belts/