On Monday, State Senator and U.S. House candidate Tom Campbell filed his paperwork to run in the June primary. This move came after losing the NDGOP endorsement to fellow State Senator and former NDGOP Chairman Kelly Armstrong at the party’s State Convention over the weekend.
Yesterday, we published an article in which I explained why Campbell should accept the results and end his campaign. I can now tell you that sources within the NDGOP are saying that Tom Campbell has decided to do just that.
The decision to honor the results of the convention makes sense for a variety of reasons. Perhaps chief among them is the fact that such a decision enables Armstrong to immediately shift more focus to the Democratic opponent. However, I should point out that even without Campbell in the race, there will still be other Republicans on the primary ballot. Tiffany Abentroth and Paul Schaffner have both filed to move on to the June primary. We’ll have more on them at a later time.
For now, we’ll wait for an official announcement from the Campbell campaign. But it appears that Tom Campbell is going to do the right thing by ending his bid to go to Washington.
- https://www.westfargopioneer.com/news/government-and-politics/4429228-us-house-candidate-campbell-files-june-primary-challenge-gop
- https://theminutemanblog.com/2018/04/09/armstrong-wins-ndgop-endorsement-campbell-primary-bound/
- https://theminutemanblog.com/2018/04/10/tom-campbell-accept-results-state-convention/
- https://www.westfargopioneer.com/news/government-and-politics/4419246-democrats-endorse-schneider-us-house-race
- https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/north-dakota/articles/2018-04-10/north-dakota-dems-lack-candidates-for-13-legislative-seats