Reed Christensen – Young Republicans State Chairman
(Photo Courtesy of Dan & Wendi Johnston)
“There is nothing wrong with describing Conservatism as protecting the Constitution, protecting all things that limit government. Government is the enemy of liberty. Government should be very restrained.” — Ron Paul
An event took place Saturday night at the Ronald Reagan Republican Center in Bismarck that may be an indication of the future of the Republican Party in North Dakota. If so, then perhaps the state can look forward to a future of limited government, individual Liberty, and fiscal responsibility.
With a turnout that was larger than expected, the NDGOP’s Young Republicans met for their inaugural State Convention in what turned out to be standing room only– with attendees from all corners of the state. The purpose of the meeting was to adopt bylaws and to elect state and regional officers.
A description of the group can be found at the Young Republicans website :
“The North Dakota Young Republicans organization (NDYR), is a chapter of the Young Republican National Federation. NDYR is the young professional arm of the North Dakota Republican Party. As an important part of the NDGOP team, the NDYR represents Republicans who are 18 to 40 years of age, and provides them with a better political understanding and a means by which they can become more involved in the Republican Party.”
The keynote speaker for the evening’s event was Don Larson. Larson worked as a staffer for Senator John Hoeven for a number of years and shared some of his stories, insight, and perspective after having spent so much time in Bismarck and Washington, DC.
Following Larson, the first order of business for the meeting was adopting the organization’s official bylaws. This was followed by the election of officers.
Interim Young Republicans State Chairman Dawson Schefter of Langdon was nominated to maintain his position– only this time as an elected officer. Schefter was appointed by NDGOP Chairman Kelly Armstrong back in May . As a current NDSU student and fresh off an internship at the White House, Schefter gave a passionate speech making his case for the office.
Schefter’s opponent for the chairmanship was Reed Christensen. Christensen grew up on a farm North of Jamestown and graduated from Bismarck State College with a degree in Engineering Technology. His experience also includes working on multiple campaigns for state legislators and working the last two legislative sessions as a page and calendar clerk.
It was obvious that Christensen’s message of limited government, individual Liberty, and fiscal responsibility resonated with the crowd. And when the votes for State Chairman were tallied, he came out on top over Schefter– to the thunderous applause of those in attendance.
Gaining the state chairmanship turned out to be just the beginning for the young Liberty movement assembled in the NDGOP Headquarters. They also secured the Vice Chairmanship (Mason Boehm – Student at Bismarck State College), Secretary (Orrin Birch – Student at University of Mary), and Treasurer (Daryle Mindeman – Manager of BittyBean Coffee & Culinary).
In addition to this, a National Committeeman (Ben Olson – Student at University of North Dakota) and National Committeewoman (Sierra Heitkamp – Student at North Dakota State University) were elected, followed by officers in each of the NW, NE, SW, and SE Regions.
Attendees were also addressed by NDGOP Executive Director Dane Ferguson – who declined a nomination for the National Committeeman’s spot – and recently announced candidate for Secretary of State Will Gardner .
But with all that went on in this event, it’s obvious from the results that the Liberty message was paramount. Reed Christensen spoke of three foundational “principles America was founded on”– Life, Liberty, and Property. It’s a refreshing message really and one that is sorely needed in the Peace Garden State.
If this message and these young people are the future of the party, then the newly elected Young Republican State Chairman’s words – found in his nomination speech obtained by The Minuteman – may well be prophetic… ” North Dakota’s best days are ahead.”
Yes, indeed. Conservatism may be alive an well in the grassroots of North Dakota’s Young Republican’s.
NOTE: If you’re interested in joining the Young Republicans, you can see how here . It requires a simple donation of $10.
1. http://www.ndyr.org/
2. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/4270022-nd-young-republicans-name-chairman-langdon
3. http://www.grandforksherald.com/news/4198752-dane-ferguson-named-executive-director-nd-republicans
4, https://theminutemanblog.com/single-post/2017/12/13/Gardner-Officially-Kicks-Off-Campaign-for-Secretary-of-State-vs-Al-Jaeger
5. https://www.ndgop.org/youngrepublicans