Have We Neutered the 4th of July?

Earlier today I came across a Facebook post by Connor Boyack. Most of you probably don’t know him, but he’s a blogger, author of multiple books, and President of the Libertas Institute– “a public policy think tank”. Boyack is a strong advocate for Liberty. Part of his comments really got me thinking:

“How many Americans today are thinking about secession, revolution, tax protestation, civil disobedience, armed insurrection, treason, and the natural rights of life, liberty, and property on what has turned into the neutered ‘4th of July’?

“Amid our fireworks, feasts, and fun, do we pause to consider the meaning—the substance—of what the celebrations are all about?” To me, these are powerful words. Could it be that we are so far removed from what our Founders stood for – what made our nation the greatest and most prosperous upon the face of the Earth – that we’ve lost our way and drifted into a state of complacency? A state that has us in a position worse than the one that the Founders of this nation gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to break away from.

Is Boyack right? Have we “neutered” the 4th of July? Unfortunately, I think we have. The very things our Founders stood for are today thought by many to be archaic, old-fashioned, and even extremist. We use the imagery of the Founders and the Revolution, but that’s about as far as most are willing to go in embracing the value and meaning of Independence Day.

Nevertheless, I choose to believe that there is hope in returning to the Spirit of Liberty established for us over 240 years ago.

Boyack continues:

“… I hope that consideration bleeds over into the other days of the year, when plenty of opportunity exists to (peacefully) fight similar—or bigger—problems than those faced by our founding forebears.

“Independence Day is about more than Brexit 1776. Because what’s the point in celebrating historical independence when today’s government has cultivated a system in which millions are dependent?

“Independence Day should not be a fleeting celebration of superficial frivolity, but rather a motivating opportunity to consider the state of the state in our day, and apply our patriotism on a regular basis to remedy the injustices around us—giving us more cause for next year’s celebration.

“Let’s all have some fun today, and remember and honor the past—while pondering and preparing to improve the present.

“We’ve got work to do.”

Roll up your sleeves, America.



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About T. Arthur Mason 883 Articles
T. Arthur Mason is a native North Dakotan who has spent nearly all of his life in the Peace Garden State. As the third of four children in Western North Dakota, Mason grew to appreciate family and the outdoors. Some of his fondest memories are annual deer hunts with family and friends. In his early teenage years, faith became a central part of T. Arthur Mason's life. He and the majority of his family attend church together on a weekly basis and find this a fulfilling aspect of their lives. Through the influence of his father, T. Arthur Mason became intrigued with politics. As a boy, he attended political events with his father and enjoyed the friendships that resulted as a byproduct of those political associations. As Mason grew older, he became convinced that the quote often attributed to Thomas Jefferson was true, "That government is best which governs least." Today, T. Arthur Mason enjoys time with his wife and children, an occasional hunt, and an increasingly active life on the political scene. This blog is the fulfillment of a dream to design a web site in the realm of politics and to advocate for the principles of Liberty and constitutionally limited government. On behalf of all those that contribute to The Minuteman, we hope you enjoy your time on the site and will share the message with others.