An increasingly controversial topic is that of vaccines. Like most topics, you’ll find people coming from various angles on the issue. Some are staunchly pro-vaccine. Others are staunchly against them. And then there’s those that fall somewhere in between.
I suppose I’m on the somewhere in between. Which is probably why I found a recent interview Tucker Carlson had with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. so fascinating.
Yes, this is the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. of the famous Kennedy family, but please don’t let that deter you from at least listening to the interview, which I will post at the end of this article. By the way, Kennedy himself is not "anti-vax".
Kennedy’s feelings can be boiled down to three main points:
1. We should question the schedule of vaccines.
2. As a result of these questions, more research should be done on vaccine safety.
3. Congress has protected "Big Pharma" in a way no other industry has been protected.
According to Kennedy, when he was vaccinated, he only had three vaccines in order to be compliant with the vaccine schedule. For Kennedy’s children, that schedule involved 69 doses of 16 vaccines in order to be compliant.
This change in "regimen" – again, according to Kennedy – took place in 1989 after Congress was "drowning in pharmaceutical industry money" and took an unprecedented step of granting "blanket legal immunity" to all vaccine companies. Meaning that they could not be sued.
One of the sticking points in the debate on vaccines has been the claim that there are no legitimate scientific studies to prove them problematic. But Kennedy says that a recent study, financed by the Danish government and carried out by a group of "bullet-proof scientists", showed that children in Africa that had been vaccinated against Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus (DPT) were ten times more likely to die in two months than those that were not vaccinated.
If true, these things are alarming. Tucker Carlson is right when he said, "You ought to be allowed to ask legitimate questions without being attacked." It matters not where a person falls on the issue of vaccines. That statement is something everyone should be able to agree upon.
While I am certainly no expert on vaccines, I do know that any time lobbyists, money, and Congress combine forces it often is not good for the American people.
The interview is below. Give it a listen.